MILLINGTON - The Millington Rocketry Team, TARC (The American Rocketry Challenge), is

pleased to announce it has received a grant from SC Johnson to support the team's expansion and growth in Millington Michigan.

The $5,000 grant from SC Johnson will be used to secure a new rocket launching system and supplies to aid in the team's ability to advance the scope of the team's goals.

"The Millington TARC team is beyond grateful for the support and encouragement of SC Johnson," said Kayla Flintoft the Millington TARC coach.

The Millington TARC Rocketry team is a STEM-based extracurricular program that allows students to design, build, launch, and compete with their rockets. The Millington team placed 13th in the nation during the national competition in May 2022. The TARC team serves approximately 15 Millington High School students per year.